Thursday, February 7, 2013

Strawberry Ice Cream

 This is another one of Joshua's favorite sweet snacks! Whenever we started following the Specific Carbohydrate diet, we had pretty much thrown the idea of ever eating ice cream again out the window. However, thankfully there is a way we can still follow the diet and have our ice cream! It takes a couple steps, starting with making yogurt. In order to make the yogurt you will need a Yogourmet Yogurt maker. (Shown below is the yogurt maker, which can be easily ordered online, and the yogurt starter, which you can find at a organic/whole foods grocery store.) I absolutely love my Yogourmet and I think it's a great purchase if you're following the diet, or just want to be healthy and make your own yogurt!
To make the SCD yogurt you will need:
2 quarts Milk
10 grams Yogurt Starter
1 1/2 cups Water
Pour 2 quarts milk into a pot and bring to a boil. Temperature should measure greater than 180º F. Allow milk to cool to 100º (or room temperature). Stir for ten seconds before measuring with thermometer. Pour 10 grams of yogurt starter into yogourmet batch container. Add 1/4 cup cooled milk and stir until starter is dissolved. Pour remaining cooled milk into batch container and stir thoroughly. Cover batch container with lid. Pour 1 1/2 cup water into yogurt maker, and lower container into the water and place cover on top. Plug maker in (you will see the red light turn on), and allow to ferment for 24 hours minimum to 34 hours maximum. Unplug and place in fridge for 8 hours before using. Yogurt will remain fresh for two weeks.

Okay, now we will use the yogurt to make our ice cream! 

For the ice cream you will need:
1 cup SCD yogurt
7 Tbsp Honey (the more you add, the less tart the ice cream will be!)
1 1/2 cups Frozen Strawberries
3 Tbsp Pure Vanilla Extract (SCD legal only- no imitations!)
Mix the yogurt, honey and vanilla. Blend and slowly add the strawberries in. Pour mixture into ice cream maker and let mixture thicken, about 20-25 minutes. The ice cream will have a softer, creamy texture. If you want a firmer consistency, transfer the ice cream to a container and place in the freezer. We have a Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker, and it works wonderfully! It is also good for making other yummy treats!

I know someone will read this and think "Wait, but I thought you couldn't have Milk on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet?" Well, I won't go into the scientific reasoning, but you are able to have milk only if it is fermented. So, that's how this ice cream can be SCD 'legal'. 



  1. Hey Laura,
    Your Mother in-law was telling us about this glog and I had to come see it. Great job! I think I would love this recipe! :)
    Rebekah G :)

  2. Hi Rebekah! Thank you! I'm so glad you checked it out! :)
